Spooky Halloween Recipe Punch Ideas

Spooky Halloween Recipe Punch Ideas
By Patricia Jensen


1 envelope Kool-Aid grape flavor unsweetened mix
1 envelope Kool-Aid orange flavor
unsweetened mix
2 cups sugar
3 quarts cold water
1 quart chilled ginger ale

Mix both envelopes Kool Aid together with sugar, in large pitcher. Add water and mix. Just before serving, add ginger ale.

Add a Nice "Touch" - Float a Frozen Hand in your Halloween Punch!

Fill an unpowdered surgical glove with water.
Tip: Do not overfill as water will expand as it freezes.

Add a little food coloring for a more authentic look.

Securely twist tie the end and hang from a shelf in the freezer.

Once frozen, cut off the glove and place hand in punch bowl.


Two 12 oz. cans frozen grape juice
One 2 liter bottle of ginger ale
One half-gallon lime sherbet

Make grape juice according to directions on can. Add to punchbowl. Add the ginger ale and stir thoroughly. Add sherbet just before serving.

Make Your Bat Brew Really "Cook" ...

Punch out or cut holes in lid of a sealed plastic container.
Drop in a piece of dry ice.
Before serving drop the container into the punch bowl.
Verrry Spooky!

Important Note: Always handle dry ice with gloves.-


1/2 gallon cider
1 apple
12 tsps. powdered orange breakfast drink
clear plastic cups

Prepare cups by drawing a spider or gluing a spider sticker on the outside bottom of each plastic cup. Next, chop up apple into small pieces.

Heat cider on the stove till very warm and pour into 8 drinking cups. Stir 1 1/2 tsps orange drink powder into each cup, along with a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon.

Sprinkle 6 or 7 apple pieces into each cup, stir and serve. Wait for the shrieks when kids discover their spiders!


*Serve juice or punch in beakers.

*Set out dips or punch in pumpkins you have carved out and cleaned, or black plastic cauldrons.

*Use licorice as straws, just cut off both ends and sip through the center.

*Moisten the edges of party glasses with egg white and dip in sugar for a sweet finish!

Patricia B. Jensen is a mother of three and kids party enthusiast. She is the webmaster and owner of Kids-Party-Paradise.com - a complete resource for kids party ideas including invitations, cakes, decorations, games, costumes, favors, and food.

For all the latest party news, read her Kids Party Blog

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patricia_Jensen


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